Archived Agenda

Richland County Council
Development & Services Committee

Buddy Meetze

Susan Brill

Bernice Scott, Chair

Greg Pearce

Thelma Tillis

District 1

District 9

District 10

District 6

District 3

Tuesday, June 27, 2000, 5:00 PM
Richland County Council Chambers
County Administration Building
2020 Hampton Street

Call To Order

Approval of Minutes - May 23: Regular Session Meeting - (Pages 3-5)

Adoption of Agenda

Items for Action

  1. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Board of Zoning Appeals - (Pages 6-9)
  2. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Approval of Isolated Lots - (Pages 10-12)
  3. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Adult Day Care Facilities - (Pages 13-18)
  4. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Standards for Manufactured Homes - (Pages 19-23)
  5. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Animals and Fowl - (Pages 24-25)
  6. Amendment to the Richland County Code - Open Burning Ordinance - (Pages 26-28)
  7. Approval of Purchase of Tandem Truck for Special Services - (Pages 29-30)
  8. Approval of Purchase of Road Maintenance Equipment - (Pages 31-32)
  9. Award of Contract for the Paving of Thompson Harris and Richland Farms Roads - (Pages 33-35)
  10. Award of Engineering Contract for Broad River Wastewater Plant Upgrade - (Pages 36-37)
  11. Authorization to Expend Comprehensive Planning Funds - (Pages 38-40)
  12. Contract Renewal with Waste Management. Inc. - (Pages 41-42)

Items Pending Analysis

  1. Citizen Complaints about Genesis Cable Company
  2. Impact of the Closing of City of Columbia Landfill

Items for Information / Discussion

  1. Status Report on the Olympia Redevelopment Project - (Page 43-46)
  2. Status Report on the Comprehensive Plan Implementation - (Page 47-51)
  3. Status Report on the County Master Sewer Plan


Staffed by Ash Miller